Feast Day: March 9th

Date can very if the Feast Day falls on Soul Saturday, it will be the day before.

The Life of The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste: After Prayers that night, for a second time the soldiers heard the Voice of the Lord: “He who believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live. Be bold and have no fear of short-lived torment which soon passes; endure… that you may receive Crowns.”…


2023 – Sermon – Begins at 1:38:40
2022 – Life & Chants
2021 – Fellowship Talk


Apolytikion: Be Thou entreated for the sake of the sufferings of Thy Saints which they endured for Thee, O Lord and do Thou heal all our pains, we Pray, O Friend of man.

Troparion: Those noble soldiers of the Master of all let us honour, for they were united by their faith as they passed through fire and water, and being enlisted by Christ they entered to Divine refreshment. Now those pious warriors stand and intercede with Christ God for those who cry out. Glory to Him that hath given you strength. Glory to him that hath Crowned you. Glory to Him that made you Wondrous, Holy Forty Martyrs.

Kontakion: Having left every military array on the world, ye cleaved unto the Master Who is in the Heavens, O Forty Prizewinners of the Lord; for having passed through fire and water, O Blessed ones, ye rightly received Glory from Heaven and a multitude of Crowns.

Hymn: O Choir of flames four-times-ten, army wholly chosen by God, you make Lent shine furthermore because of your Sacred struggles, Sanctifying and enlightening our Souls.

Hymn: O Champions of Christ, you make the All-Sacred fast even more joyous through your Glorious struggles, for you were Forty in number, and you Sanctify the Forty-day Lent, imitating the Saving passion through your struggle on behalf of Christ. Therefore, as ones having boldness, intercede that in peace we might meet the Third-day Resurrection of our God and the Savior of our Souls.

winter is bitter but Paradise is sweet… let us not waver O fellow soldiers…

The Holy 40 Martyrs said to each other: “By stripping off our garments we have put off the old man. The winter is cold and bitter, but Paradise will be warm and sweet. The freezing is painful, but the reward will bring us joy. Let us not be defeated, O brothers! We suffer a little, but Christ will Crown us with the laurel of victory. He is our God and the Saviour of our Souls.”




Xanthias the Martyr


Vivian the Martyr


Theophilos the Martyr


Theodoulos the Martyr


Smaragdes the Martyr


Sisinios the Martyr


Severian the Martyr


Sacerdon the Martyr


Priscus the Martyr


Philoktimon the Martyr


Oualis the Martyr


Oualerios the Martyr


Nicholas the Martyr


Melito the Martyr


Lysimachos the Martyr


Leontios the Martyr


Kyrion the Martyr


John the Martyr


Hesychios the Martyr


Heraclius the Martyr


Gorgonios the Martyr


Gaios the Martyr


Flavios the Martyr


Eutychios the Martyr


Eunoikos the Martyr


Eudikios the Martyr


Elias the Martyr


Helianos the Martyr


Domnas the Martyr


Dometian the Martyr


Cyril the Martyr


Claudius the Martyr


Choudion the Martyr


Candidus the Martyr


Athanasios the Martyr


Alexander the Martyr


Akakios the Martyr


Aglaios the Guard & Martyr


Aggias the Martyr


Aetios the Martyr