Feast Day: May 2nd

& January 18th Saint Athanasius and Saint Cyril

The Life of Saint Athanasius: A group of children, which included Athanasius, were playing at the seashore. The Christian children decided to Baptize their pagan playmates. The young Athanasius, whom the children designated as “Bishop”, performed the Baptism, precisely repeating the words he heard in Church during this Sacrament…



Troparion: You were a pillar of Orthodoxy, O Hierarch Athanasius, supporting the Church with Divine doctrines; you proclaimed the Son to be of one Essence with the Father, putting Arius to shame. O Righteous Father, entreat Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion: Having planted the Dogmas of Orthodoxy, you cut out the thorns of false doctrine, and multiplied the seed of faith with the rain of the Spirit; therefore, we praise you O righteous Athanasius.


Apolytikion of Saint Athanasius and Saint Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria: Shining forth with works of Orthodoxy, ye quenched every false belief and teaching and became trophy-bearers and conquerors. And since ye made all things rich and with true piety, greatly adorning the Church with magnificence, Athanasius and wise Cyril, ye both have worthily found Christ God, Who doth grant great mercy unto all.

Kontakion of Saint Athanasius and Saint Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria: O great Hierarchs of piety and brave champions of the Church of Christ, you watch over all who sing, “Save us who in faith honour you, O Compassionate.”

“We Venerate One God in Trinity and Three Persons in Unity.”


“Humility is a great medicine for Salvation. Because Satan did not fall from the Heavens, neither because of carnal debauchery, nor because of other material pleasures, but only out of pride. That is why the Son of God became Man, so that we, the sons of man, may become sons of God.”


“Even on the Cross He did not hide Himself from sight; rather, He made all creation witness to the presence of its Maker.”

“Instead of arming themselves with swords, Christians extend their hands in Prayer.”

“It is a fact, brothers and sisters, that the path of the Saints in this life is one full of troubles. They either endure the pain of longing for that which is to come, like the one who said, ‘Woe is me that I have such a long pilgrimage’ (Ps. 120:5, LXX) or they are distressed by their longing for the Salvation of others, as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, ‘I am afraid that when I come to you, God may humble me and cause me to weep and mourn over many who have sinned and not repented of impurity, fornication and licentiousness which they have practiced.'”

“One cannot possibly understand the teaching of the Saints unless one has a pure mind and is trying to imitate their life.”

“Let us remember the poor, and not forget kindness to strangers; above all, let us love God with all our Soul, and might, and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves.”

“If the world is against truth, then I am against the world.”

“You cannot put straight in others what is warped in yourself.”

“And once more, if the devil, the enemy of our race, having fallen from Heaven, wanders about our lower atmosphere, and there bearing rule over his fellow-spirits, as his peers in disobedience, not only works illusions by their means in them that are deceived, but tries to hinder them that are going up (and about this the Apostle says: According to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience); while the Lord came to cast down the devil, and clear the air and prepare the way for us up into Heaven, as said the Apostle: Through the veil, that is to say, His flesh [Heb. 10:20] – and this must needs be by death— well, by what other kind of death could this have come to pass, than by one which took place in the air, I mean the Cross? For only he that is perfected on the Cross dies in the air. Whence it was quite fitting that the Lord suffered this death. For thus being lifted up He cleared the air of the malignity both of the devil and of demons of all kinds, as He says: I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven; and made a new opening of the way up into Heaven as He says once more: Lift up your gates, O you princes, and be lifted up, you everlasting doors.”

“For, indeed, everything about is marvelous, and wherever a man turns his gaze he sees the Godhead of the Word and is smitten with awe.”

“Know that we must serve not the times, but God.”

“The Lord did not come to make a display. He came to heal and to teach suffering men.”