Feast Day: January 25th

& January 30th, Feast Day of the Three Hierarchs

The Life of Saint Gregory the Theologian: For the Orthodox to know God as Essence, was given to the Christians as a gift from Gregory…


2023 – Life & Chants – You have imparted sublime Theology.


Apolytikion: The pastoral flute of your Theology conquered the trumpets of orators. For it called upon the depths of the Spirit and you were enriched with the beauty of words. Intercede to Christ our God, O Father Gregory, that our Souls may be saved.

Kontakion: O Glorious one, you dispelled the complexities of orators with the words of your Theology. You have adorned the Church with the vesture of Orthodoxy woven from on high. Clothed in this, the Church now cries out to your children, with us, “Hail Father, the consummate Theological mind.”

