Feast Day: September 2nd

The Life of Saint Mamas: The soldiers waited for him at the gates of the city, and Saint Mamas, accompanied by a lion, met them there…


2022 – Life & Chants – He was again put to the torture which only availed to reveal in all its brilliance the Grace of God in his Soul and body.


Apolytikion: Holy descendant of Martyrs, thou didst eagerly follow their steps: while preaching the Saviour’s Name thou wast marvelous in contest. Wise and glorious Mamas, Pray to Christ out God to save us.

Kontakion: Shepherd thy people in life-giving pastures, with the staff given thee by God. And crush the invisible enemies beneath the feet of those who praise thee. For all in danger have thee, as a fervent intercessor, O Holy Mamas.

Saint Mamas was born in prison premature, his Christian parents, Theodotus and Rufina, openly confessed Christ. Saint Mamas was left an orphan but was raised by a Christian woman named Ammia.


When Saint Mamas was 15 years old he was captured and cruely beaten for being a Christian.


Led was hung from his neck and he was thrown into the sea but he was Miraculously saved. He lived in a cave on a high mountain in the wilderness, and built a small Church here. Here he lived in Prayer and fasting.


The wild animals would surround him and listen to him reading the Holy Gospel.


Saint Mamas was nourished on the milk of deer, and he also prepared cheese from this milk and gave it freely to the poor.


Saint Mamas was hospitable to soldiers who came to arrest him, giving them some milk to drink, beause they thought he was a shepherd.


When they realised the name of Saint Mamas, they told him the Emperor wanted to capture him. So Saint Mamas told the soldiers to go on ahead and he would follow. The soldiers waited at the gates of the city for Saint Mamas, who met them there accompanied by a lion, surrendering himself into the hands of the torturers.


He was strengthened by the words addressed to him from above… “Be strong and take courage, Mamas.”

Saint Mamas was thrown into a burning furnace and then to wild beasts but remained unharmed.


Saint Mamas was then mortally pierced by a pagan priest and went out of the city giving up his Soul into the hands of God in a small stone cave. Everyone heard God calling the Holy Martyr Mamas into His Heavenly Kingdom.