Why did Saint Mary Magdalene turn around suddenly while she was speaking to the Holy Angels at Christ’s empty Tomb? Because the Holy Angels stood up in reverence when they saw their Lord Jesus Christ.



Hymn of Praise to Saint Mary Magdalene by Saint Nikolai Velimivorich: Magdalene, in dark sorrow wrapped herself, because of the bloody death of the Son of God. Sorrow is to love, the most bitter sorrow, it, in the world, has no comfort or companion, to it, tears are comfort and pain its only companion, to Saint Magdalene, in darkness the world became wrapped. The weak creation of man, asked for light, without hope, in the dark Mary groped. His tomb to her is light but behold, the tomb is empty! Stolen she thought, naked and not anointed! Bitterly she wept, to weeping never any end, at that moment, a man’s voice beside her, she heard: Woman, why are you weeping, tell me:  Whom do you seek? Whom do I seek, you ask?  To comfort me, do you wish! But, if you took Him away, where did you place Him? Tearful and melancholy, Jesus looked at her, and with a sweet voice called her: Mary! In Mary’s heart, a light began to shine, O familiar voice, with sweetness unsurpassable, the voice overly generous by life and power! With that voice, the Lord healed the sick, with that same voice, He resurrected the dead. Life-creating voice, a miraculous voice! Mary recoiled and turned around, Rabbi, she cried out at that moment the sun came out a New Day dawned to Mary and to the world.