The love Saint Phanourios had for his mother, a harlot and great sinner, caused him to ceaselessly Pray for her. Even at the time of his Martyrdom, Saint Phanourios Prayed: “For the sake of these my sufferings, Lord, help all those who will Pray to Thee for the Salvation of Phanourios’ sinful mother.”


A beautiful tradition arose among the faithful to Pray to Saint Phanourios, who has become the finder of lost things; including both items and our brethren living far from Christ. The faithful bake a special cake, a Phanourios-Cake, and a Service of Intercession to Saint Phanourios is Prayed at Church, and the Phanourios-Cake is distributed afterwards in the name of his mother, as a Prayer and thanksgiving to Saint Phanourios.
