Then she said to the elder: “Forgive me, Abba, for asking you, but fulfil another wish of mine. Go now to the Monastery and let God’s Grace guard you and next year come again to the same place where I first met you. Come for God’s sake, for you shall again see me, for such is the Will of God.” He said to her: “From this day on I would like to follow you and always see your holy face. but now fulfil the one and only wish of an old man and take a little of the food I have brought for you.” And he showed her the basket, while she just touched the lentils with the tips of her fingers, and taking three grains said that the Holy Spirit guards the substance of the Soul unpolluted. Then she said: “Pray, for God’s sake Pray for me and remember a miserable wretch.” Touching the Saint’s feet and asking for her Prayers for the Church, the kingdom and himself, he let her depart with tears, while he went off sighing and sorrowful, for he could not hope to vanquish the invincible.
Meanwhile she again made the Sign of the Cross over the Jordan, and stepped on to the waters and crossed over as before. And the elder returned filled with joy and terror, accusing himself of not having asked the Saint her name. But he decided to do so next year.