“Shake off the sleep now from your eyelids,” You said to the Disciples, O Christ. “Stay awake, watch and Pray that you may not fall into temptation, especially Simon. For the strong are tested harder. Know me, O Peter, that all creation blesses Me and Glorifies Me unto the ages.” Glory to You, Our God, Glory to You. “Never,” said Peter, “will I let any profane word slip from my lips, O Lord. As one grateful I am ready to die with You, even if the others all deny You. It was not flesh and blood but Your Father Eho revealed You to me. All creation blesses You and Glorifies You unto the ages.” Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. “You have not fathomed all the depth of Divine Wisdom and knowledge, nor comprehended the abyss of My judgments, O man,” the Lord said to Peter. “Since you are flesh, do not boast; for you will three times deny Me, Whom all creation blesses and Glorifies unto the ages.” Both now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. “Simon, you protest; but you will soon accept what I have said. When the servant-girl approaches, she in no time will frighten you,” the Lord said to Peter. “But after bitter weeping, you will find Me very Merciful; Whom all creation blesses and glorifies unto the ages.”
Peter having denied You three times, straightway recalled the words You said to him, but he brought to You tears of repentance, saying: “God have mercy on me, and save me.”
Luke 22
I do not know Him… Immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He has said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” So Peter went out and wept bitterly.

It has been described that the face of Saint Peter seemed to be inflamed with tears. Every time he heard in his memory the sweet voice of his Lord Jesus Christ, and when he thought about how he denied Him, Saint Peter would weep with tender emotion. He always carried a towel in his bosom to wipe his tears, and every time he heard a rooster crow in the night he would rise up and Pray.