Saint Barbara is often depicted in Icons holding the Holy Chalice. This is because of Christ’s promise to her, that whoever Prays to Saint Barbara and remembers her would not face a sudden unexpected death, and would be Blessed to receive the Holy Mysteries of Christ before they depart this life.

Saint Barbara and Saint Paisios the Athonite.

Saint Barbara’s Prayer as she approached her Martyrdom: O Beginningless One, Not-made-by-hands, Crown of Martyrs, Lord Jesus Christ, You Who stretched out the Heavens and founded the Earth, Who held back the abyss, and walled-back the sea, You Who ordains the rain-bearing clouds to rain upon sinners and the righteous, You Who walk upon the sea as on dry land, You Who command the wind and the sea and make them calm: all things obey Your Word of command, my Lord Jesus Christ, for they are Your Creation. Grant me, O Lord, this supplication, and grant Your servant Grace, that those who remember me in Your Holy Name and celebrate the Memory of the days of my Martyrdom, O Lord, may be forgiven, and not have their sins remembered in the day of judgment. You know, O Lord, that I am flesh and blood, the works of Your Spotless Hands. Amen.




