Saint Ephraim was captured and horrendously tortured for eight and a half months because of his Christian faith. However, his love for Christ was greater than all this pain, and he remained strong during this time and finally received his Martyrdom on a Mulberry Tree, at the Monastery where he lived, at 42 years of age, on the 5th of May 1426.



The dog at the burial of the Holy Body of Saint Ephraim: In front of the hollow of a large tree in the courtyard of the Monastery there was a dog, white with black polka dots, and a sad expression in its eyes from which tears rolled down. At the entrance of the Monastery three farmers appeared. The dog was roaming back and forth from the tree growling, inviting them over. When the farmers approached the tree, they saw the dog resting its leg on the hollow. Inside they found the wounded, burnt, and bloodied body of the Monk. They carefully lifted it out, dug a hole, and put it in. The dog leaned into the hollow, grabbed a piece of his rib that had been left behind, and threw it into the grave. The farmers then covered the grave and left.
