“I am with you always.”
Jesus Christ
“God became Man so that man can become god by Grace.”
Saint Athanasius the Great
“I am the Trinity, simple and undivided, yet divided in Persons, and I am the Unity by Nature one,” says the Father and the Son and the Divine Spirit.
The Great Compline
“We Venerate One God in Trinity and Three Persons in Unity.”
Saint Athanasius the Great
“For darkness will not be darkness with You, and night shall be bright as day.”
Psalm 138
“This is the way we should see Christ. He is our friend, our brother; He is whatever is good and beautiful. He is everything… He shouts it out… ‘I love you. I want you to enjoy life together with Me.'”
Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia
“I cannot think on the One without quickly being encircled by the splendour of the Three; nor can I discern the Three without being straightway carried back to the One.”
Saint Gregory the Theologian
“My Christ, Your Love knows no limits.”
Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia
“It is God Who died. It was God’s Blood which was shed upon the Cross.”
Saint Nicholas Cabasilas
“The Lord will then give you His Grace, and you will know Him through the Holy Spirit, and after death, when you enter into Paradise, there too, you will know the Lord through the Holy Spirit, as you knew Him on Earth.”
Saint Silouan the Athonite
“We cry in faith: Holy God, that is the Father; Holy Mighty, that is the Son and Word, for He has bound the mighty devil and made him who had dominion over death powerless through the Cross and He has given us Life by trampling on him; Holy Immortal, that is the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, through Whom all Creation is made alive and cries out; Have mercy on us.”
Saint Germanus of Constantinople
“Happiness is a pure heart, for such a heart becomes the Throne of God.”
Saint Nektarios of Aegina
“O Lord teach me by the power of Your Holy Spirit the way in which I should walk.”
Saint Sophrony of Essex
“When the Soul knows the Love of God by the Holy Spirit, then he clearly feels that the Lord is our own Father, the closest, dearest Father, the best. And there is no greater happiness than to love God with all the mind and heart, and our neighbour as ourself. And when this love is in the Soul, then all things bring joy to the Soul.”
Saint Silouan the Athonite
“Dearly beloved, each word and deed of Our Saviour Jesus Christ is for us a lesson in virtue and piety. For this end also did He assume our nature, so that every man and every woman, contemplating as in a picture the practice of all virtue and piety, might strive with all their hearts to imitate His example. For this He bore our body, so that as far as we could we might repeat within us the manner of His life. And so therefore, when you hear mention of some word or deed of His, take care not to receive it simply as something that incidentally happened, but raise your mind upwards towards the sublimity of what He is teaching, and strive to see what has been mystically handed down to us.”
Saint Basil the Great
“We must worship, not a God-bearing Man, but a flesh-bearing God.”
Saint Gregory the Theologian
“I am your Father, I am your Brother, I am your Bridegroom, I am your Home, I am your Sustenance, I am your Clothing, I am your Root, I am your Foundation, Everything you want, I am. You have need for nothing. I will work for you, I have come to serve and not be served. I am your Friend, I am your Members, I am the Head, I am your Brother, I am your Sister, I am your Mother, I am all things. Only abide in Me. I have died for you.”
Saint John Chrysostom
“God is the source of every virtue, as the sun is of daylight.”
Saint Mark the Ascetic
“Everywhere and always God is with us, near to us and in us. But we are not always with Him, since we do not remember Him… Take upon yourself this task – to make a habit of such recollection.”
Saint Theophan the Recluse
“Christ, finding the Holy Body and Soul of the Virgin, builds for Himself a Living Temple, and as He had willed, formed there a Man from the Virgin; and, putting Him on, this day came forth; unashamed of the lowliness of our nature.”
Saint John Chrysostom
“For the Holy Spirit, sweet and gracious, draws the Soul to love the Lord, and the Soul loses her fear of suffering.”
Saint Silouan the Athonite
“It is a fact that the Eternal God listens to us – corruptible as we are – more than we listen to Him.”
Saint Nikolai Velimirovich
“When the Spirit of God descends upon a man and overshadows him with the fullness of His outpouring, then his Soul overflows with a joy not to be described, for the Holy Spirit turns to joy whatever He touches. The Kingdom of Heaven is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
Saint Seraphim of Sarov
“The Son of God, Who in His compassion became Man, dies so far as His Body was concerned when His Soul was separated from His Body; but this Body was not separated from His Divinity, and so He raised up His Body once more and took it with Him to Heaven in Glory.”
Saint Gregory Palamas
“The Cross is the haven of the storm-tossed, the guide and support of those that go astray, the Glory of Christ, the power of the Apostles and the Prophets, the strength of God’s athletes, the refuge of all men. We see it set before us in this time of fasting and we Venerate it.”
Lenten Triodion
“With You, Lord, I will flee, that I may gain in You life in every place. The prison with You is no prison, for in You, man goes up into Heaven: the grave with You is no grave, for You are the Resurrection!”
Saint Ephrem the Syrian
“The most precious thing on Earth is to know God.”
Saint Silouan the Athonite
“We confess unity in Trinity and Trinity in unity, divided but without division and united but with distinctions.”
Saint Thalassios the Libyan
“Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”
Saint Augustine of Hippo
“It is easier to measure the entire sea with a tiny cup than to grasp the ineffable greatness of God with the human mind.”
Saint Basil the Great
“Christ, the Divine Man from Heaven, purchases humanity’s life by His death.”
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
“Accept Christ’s Conception and leap with joy; if not like John in the womb, then like David when the Ark came to rest. Be in awe of that Birth, by which you were released from the bonds of your birth and honour little Bethlehem which has led you back to Paradise.”
Saint Gregory Nazianzen
“Jesus is the Christ, Our Lord and Our God, who grants us faith in Him so that we may live”
Saint Thalassios the Libyan
“When God became known to us in the flesh, He neither received the passions of human nature, nor did the Virgin Mary suffer pain, nor was the Holy Spirit diminished in any way, nor was the power of the Most High set aside in any manner, and all this was because all was accomplished by the Holy Spirit. Thus the power of the Most High was not abased, and the child was born with no damage whatsoever to the mother’s virginity.”
Saint Gregory of Nyssa
“The wall that separated Heaven and Earth is destroyed; the sword that barred the way to the Tree of Life disappears. Unto man that had sinned comes his Creator, calling him into His embrace! By the mouths of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit cries out: ‘In Christ, be ye reconciled to God.’ You that had sinned came not to God, but the Son of God, before Whom you sinned, came to you! He calls everyone to Himself; He gives forgiveness to everyone who merely thirsts for this. For without the desire of man himself, without at least his little effort, God’s peace cannot settle in him. The Lord forces no one to come to Him, but calls everyone: ‘Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ Come all ye who are heavy laden with sins, who are exhausted from your labors and who do not find rest! You shall find that inner peace, which you will find nothing on earth more desirable than. The Soul will feel unearthly peace and joy.”
Saint John Maximovitch
“Let Him be your Father Who is able and willing to labor with you in bearing the burden of your sins; and your Mother, contrition, which can cleanse you from impurity; and your Brother, your comrade Who toils and fights side by side with you in your striving toward the heights.”
Saint John Climacus
O Trinity, my One God, Father, Son, and Spirit, grant the world Your Mercy.
A Prayer