“You envy the opportunity of the woman who touched the vestments of Jesus, of the sinful woman who washed His feet with her tears, of the women of Galilee who had the happiness of following Him in His pilgrimages, of the Apostles and Disciples who conversed with Him familiarly, of the people of the time who listened to the Words of Grace and Salvation which came forth from His lips. You call happy those who saw Him… But, come to the Altar and you will see Him, you will touch Him, you will give to Him holy kisses, you will wash Him with your tears, you will carry Him within you like Mary Most Holy.”
Saint John Chrysostom
“Since Christ Himself has said ‘This Is My Body’, who shall dare to doubt that It Is His Body?”
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
“If the poison of pride is swelling up in you, turn to the Eucharist; and that Bread, Which is your God humbling and disguising Himself, will teach you humility. If the fever of selfish greed rages in you, feed on This Bread; and you will learn generosity. If the cold wind of coveting withers you, hasten to the Bread of Angels; and charity will come to blossom in your heart. If you feel the itch of intemperance, nourish yourself with the Flesh and Blood of Christ, Who practiced heroic self-control during His earthly life; and you will become temperate. If you are lazy and sluggish about Spiritual things, strengthen yourself with this Heavenly Food; and you will grow fervent. Lastly, if you feel scorched by the fever of impurity, go to the Banquet of the Angels; and the Spotless Flesh of Christ will make you pure and chaste.”
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
“The commemorated names are offered because through their taking part in the Holy Chalice they invisibly partake of God and Commune and are consoled, that is, they are comforted and Saved and gladdened in Christ.”
Saint Symeon of Thessaloniki
“Therefore, Communion of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ, which strengthens our contact with Him and refreshes us with the Living Streams of the Grace of the Holy Spirit flowing through the Body of the Church, is necessary for everyone.”
Saint John Maximovitch
“O Lord, we cannot go to the Pool of Siloe to which You sent the blind man. But we have the Chalice of Your Precious Blood, filled with Life and Light. The purer we are, the more we receive.”
Saint Ephrem the Syrian
“When man partakes of Holy Communion he receives power and is enlightened, his horizons widen, and he feels joy. Each person experiences something different, analogous to his disposition and the flame of his Soul. One person feels joy and rest, another peace, another a spirit of devotion and another an inexpressible sympathy towards all things.”
Elder Amphilochios Makris
“When the Priest cuts out sections [of bread that will be used for Holy Communion] and commemorates the names of the faithful during the Prothesi, an Angel of the Lord descends and takes this commemoration and places it before the Throne of Christ as a Prayer for those commemorated.”
Saint Iakovos Tsalikis of Evia
“The Holy Orthodox Church has determined the rules of preparation for Holy Communion. The main thing is to prepare the heart for uniting with the Lord. Fasting is necessary for calming the body, and once the body is at peace, the Soul is at peace, too.”
Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
“Even at the very Cup the enemy sets his snares for you and disturbs you by various thoughts, against which you must fight, or else, knowing that you have wished for a long, long time to find rest in God, the enemy will not allow it.”
Saint John of Kronstadt
“When going to the Holy Mysteries, go with simplicity of heart, in full faith that you will receive the Lord within yourself, and with the proper reverence towards this.”
Saint Theophan the Recluse
“The Grace of True Communion is so great that it is imprinted on all the people who receive Communion.”
Saint Seraphim of Sarov
“The Church received many Traditions from the Apostles… The constitution of the Church Services, especially of the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Mysteries themselves and the manner of performing them, certain Prayers and other institutions of the Church go back to the Sacred Tradition of the Apostles.”
Saint Nektarios of Aegina
“Why is the Creed sung before the changing of the elements into the Body and Blood of the Holy Gifts? Why does the Priest also say the Creed to himself inside the Altar at the same time? In order that those present should believe and remember that the Holy Trinity takes part in the act of the Transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts, and that the Mystery of the Eucharist is the work of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In order also that the Priest himself may celebrate the Holy Sacrament without condemnation and with undoubting Faith in the Mercy and Omnipotence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and afterwards, at the proper time, communicate of it. For at this time especially great Faith is required of the Priest, as then, above all, the enemy uses all his efforts to strike his mind and heart with coldness and unbelief, or to disturb him by doubt.”
Saint John of Kronstadt
“Today that you have Communed… do you see how you feel? This is how I always feel. Christ is always in me.”
Saint Iakovos Tsalikis of Evia
“Following His Ascension, the Lord sits with His Heavenly Father in the Heavens and at the same time, He is present with the faithful Christians in the Divine Liturgy… His Presence fills the Earth… and the Heavens! Thus, together with Christ, the Christian who is in the Church and Communes is at the same time on Earth and in Heaven.”
Saint John Chrysostom