“I don’t know what to do with my sins, my mind doesn’t see how I can wash and cleanse myself. If I decided to wash myself in the waters, the seas and rivers are small for me, not enough to cleanse me. But if I wash myself with the Blood and Water from the ribs of the Son of God, then I will be cleansed, and His Mercies will be poured out on me.”

“May the Light of Thy Grace overcome the darkness that is in me.”
“Inside I am not what I appear to be: Heal me.”
“Grant tears that I might wash myself and be freed from passions.”
“I slipped and fell into sin. Extend to me Thy right hand and I will arise.”
“How will Truth dwell in me, when I have cursed myself with lies?”
“Thou knowest, O Lord, my passions hidden in darkness; the sores of my Soul are known to Thee. Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed.”
“No one can heal my disease except He who knows the depths of the heart.”
“All my hope is in God’s mercy.”
“The time of my life has been squandered in cares and shameful thoughts. Grant me, O Lord, a cure, that I might be completely healed of my hidden sores. Strengthen me, that I might labor diligently in Thy vineyard, if even only for one hour. For my life in its vanity has already reached its eleventh hour.”
“According to Thy Mercy, pour out upon me, who am miserable, at least one small drop of Grace to make me understand and be converted, that I might make at least some small effort to correct myself. For if Thy Grace does not illumine my Soul, I will not be able to see the carelessness and negligence that the passions have produced in me through my apathy and recklessness.”
“Grant, O Lord, repentance and endurance to the end.”