“Eventually, on a branch opposite me I saw a tiny bird. It was a nightingale. I listened as the nightingale trilled unstintingly, its throat puffed out to bursting in sustained song. The microscopic little bird was stretching back its wings in order to find power to emit those sweetest of tones, and puffing out its throat to produce that exquisite voice. If only I had a cup of water to give it to drink and quench its thirst!… The purpose was worship, to sing to their Creator, to worship God… I regarded all of them as angels of God, little birds that Glorified God the Creator of all and no one heard them.”
Saint Porphyrios had a pet parrot which he tamed. He also taught the parrot to say the Jesus Prayer. Saint Porphyrios said… “He is more spiritual than me. I get tired and I fall asleep but he stays awake and Prays.” He also tamed an eagle with gentleness so he could pat it.