“If in life you learn to say “Let it be Blessed”, this is superior to everything, even to Prayer, because it has obedience, love, trust, hope in God; it has patience, humility, sacrifice, Prayer!”

“Prayer comes from obedience, not obedience from Prayer. Be obedient now and Grace will come afterwards.”


“Try to discern the source of obedience. It comes from the Holy Trinity. Christ says: ‘For I have come down from Heaven, not to do My own will, but the Will of Him Who sent me’ (In. 6:38). This is where obedience begins. Thus, he who is obedient imitates Christ’s Himself.”

“Experience has convinced me that obedience is superior even to Prayer.”

“God will grant you His Grace analogous with the love you have for your Elder. Our Spiritual Fathers don’t need our love, nor do they selfishly demand it. We, on the other hand need to love them for the Salvation of
our Souls.”

“Do you know what ‘Elder’ means? Only the devil knows what exactly an Elder means.”

“Making excuses is not written in the Scriptures. The Saints not only did not justify themselves, but they suffered willingly on behalf of others.”

“Endure patiently your own passions, but also endure other people’s passions. This is the way to become a Saint.”

“The Monastery is Noah’s Ark.”

“Read thoroughly the books written by the Holy Fathers (the Patristic Texts). Many became Saints in the Monastery, but very few in the desert, because a hermit follows his own will. The perfect system is the coenobium, all together. Christ himself bequeathed to us the Monastic way of life, all together at the refectory, all together in Prayer, all together in everything.”


Saint Ephraim of Katounakia with his Elder Nikiforos and brother to his left Job and to his right Prokopios.


Saint Ephraim once said about Elder Aimilianos “Our hearts became one, and met like two flames rising up to Heaven!”


With Elder Joseph of Vatopedi.


Saint Ephriam of Katounakia once said about Elder Ephraim of Arizona “Your Geronda is very rich! He has great boldness in front of God”


With Elder Ephraim Abbot of Vatopedi.


Photo with his Spiritual sons.


With Spiritual children and brothers.