“We depict Christ as our King and Lord, and we do not strip Him of His army. For the Saints are the Lord’s army.”

“We must allow ourselves to be filled with wonder at all the works of Providence, to accept and praise them all.”

“The Bible is a scented garden, delightful, beautiful, it enchants our ears with birdsong in a sweet, Divine, and Spiritual harmony, it touches our heart, comforts us in sorrow, soothes us in a moment of anger, and fills us with Eternal joy.”

“Death itself, which once was man’s chiefest terror, has been overthrown, and now that which was once the object of hate and loathing is preferred to life. These are the achievements of Christ’s presence: these are the tokens of His power. For it was not one people that He saved, as when through Moses He divided the sea and delivered Israel out of Egypt and the bondage of Pharoah (cf. Ex. 14:16); nay, rather He rescued all mankind from the corruption of death and the bitter tyranny of sin: not leading them by force to virtue, not overwhelming them with earth or burning them with fire, or ordering the sinners to be stoned, but persuading men by gentleness and long-suffering to choose virtue and vie with one another and find pleasure in the struggle to attain it.”

“Now all things have been filled with light, both Heaven and Earth and those beneath the Earth; so let all creation sing Christ’s rising, by which it is established.”

“For God is Life and Light, and those who are in God’s hand are in life and light.”
