Feast Day: July 3rd

About the Holy Icon of Our Most Holy Mother of God The Milk-Giver, the Nourisher of Life: the traditional location where the Theotokos, Saint Joseph the Betrothed and the infant Jesus stopped for a night on their way to Egypt, after an Angel of the Lord warned them to flee before the coming massacre of Herod…


Rejoice, O Virgin Mother of God, thou giver of milk! Gladden us with the Grace of thy Son!

Noetic milk flows O you who were pregnant with God, from your Divine Icon Galaktotrophousa. On the third behold the honorable radiance of Mary the Theotokos.

Apolytikion: Your Divine Icon as the glory of your body, Virgin Galaktotrophousa, we venerate as we glorify, for from it secretly flows, the milk of your immaterial gifts, nourishing the hearts and Souls, of the faithful who cry to you: Glory to your magnificence Pure one, glory to your wonders, glory to your unutterable goodness shown to us.

Kontakion: Maternally suckling as an infant, He who was unexplainably born from her, even Christ our God, to the only Theotokos Galaktotrophousa let us sing hymns, and do shield us from the many dangers.

Megalynarion: The sacred and revered Icon Galaktotrophousa, let us venerate O brethren, flowing with the grace, of your unspeakable sympathy, warming our hearts and Souls.

This beautiful Icon below is found in the Cave Chapel of the Flight into Egypt. It is below the Monastery of Saint Gerasimos near the Jordan River. This is where Our Most Holy Mother of God stopped for a night with Saint Joseph the Betrothed on their way to Egypt, and encountered the future Saint Dismas the Repentant Theif crucified with Christ and the first person to enter Paradise.

