Each Thursday evening at 7pm we Pray the Service of the Small Paraklesis to Our Most Holy Mother of God. We gather in the Church and chant together with one voice in Prayer to Our Heavenly Mother.

Some Paraklesis books are provided on the night, or you can bring your one from home.

During Great Lent, instead of the Paraklesis, the Great Compline Service is chanted each week.

Small Paraklesis: Audio recording , Text of Service

Great Paraklesis: Text of Service


The Paraklesis is a Prayer Service to the Mother of God, Our Most Holy Theotokos. It can be Prayed at any time, especially in times of trouble, illness and thanksgiving. On each evening of the first 15 days of August, except for Saturdays, during the period of the fast for the Dormition of Our Panagia, we Pray the Paraklesis, alternating each night between the Great Paraklesis and the Small Paraklesis. In the Prayers we ask our sweetest Mother to help us and Pray for us to her Son, Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.