Feast Day: September 5th & June 24th
& February 11th -the finding of his Holy Relics
& Sunday of the Holy Forefathers of Christ (Sunday between 11th-17th of December)
The Life of Prophet Zacharias: Once, during his turn of Priestly Service in the Temple, Saint Zacharias was told by an Angel that his aged wife would bear him a son…
Synaxis of Prophet Zacharias and Saint Elizabeth: June 24th
Troparion: The memory of Your Prophets Zachariah and Elizabeth we celebrate today, O Lord. By their Prayers, we beseech You, O Christ God, save our Souls!
Apolytikion: In the Vesture of a Priest, according to the Law of God, thou didst offer unto Him well-pleasing whole-burnt offerings, as it befitted a Priest, O Wise Zacharias. Thou wast a shining light, a seer of Mysteries, bearing in thyself clearly the signs of Grace; and in God’s Temple, O Wise Prophet of Christ God, thou wast slain with the sword. Hence, with the Forerunner, make entreaty that our Souls find Salvation.
Kontakion: On this day the Prophet and Venerable Priest of the Most High, even Zacharias, who begat the Forerunner, hath now mixed for us the draught of Virtue and set the table of his Sacred memory nourishing all the faithful; for this cause do we extol him as a most Godly initiate of Grace Divine.
Hymn: O wise Zacharias, wrapped in the Vestment of Priesthood, you offered in a manner fitting a Priest acceptable whole burnt offerings according to the Law of God. You became a beacon and one who contemplated Mysteries, manifestly bearing in yourself, O all-wise one, the symbols of Grace. Slain by the sword in God’s Temple, Prophet of Christ, intercede with the Forerunner that our Souls may be saved.
Hymn: You served blamelessly as Priest to God Almighty in the order of the Law, O Prophet Zacharias; and so, as you offered incense, an Angel appeared to you saying: “You will beget the Forerunner of Christ, mediator between the Law and inspired Grace.”
Below is an Icon of Christ with his beloved Saint Zacharias and Saint Elizabeth with their son Saint John the Baptist, together with Saint Joachim and Saint Anna, and their daughter Panagia.