One day he was greatly tortured for refusing to deny Christ, but he joyfully said: “Oh! If only I could be made worthy to die by fire and pain for the Name of the Lord and God, Jesus Christ!” Saint Tryphon suffered many tortures but remained strong in Christ, and he was finally beheaded.

The Prayer of Saint Tryphon before his death
“O Lord, God of gods and King of kings, the Most Holy of all holies, I thank You that You made me worthy to complete my mortification without faltering. And now, I Pray to You that the hand of the invisible demon does not touch me; that the demon not drag me into the abyss of destruction. Rather, let Your Holy Angels lead me into Your beautiful dwelling place and make me an heir of Your desired Kingdom. Receive my Soul and harken to the Prayer of all those who would offer sacrifices to You in my remembrance. Gaze upon them from Your Holy dwelling place and grant them abundant and incorruptible gifts. For You are the only Good and Merciful Gift-giver unto the ages of ages. Amen.”
