Feast Day: October 29th
The Life of Saint Abramius his niece Saint Mary: Abramius said to her, “Child, may your sin be upon me! May God require recompense for your sin from my hands! Only heed me, and let us return to our cell…
Apolytikion: You abandoned all Earthly comforts, O Father Abramius, living righteously in hope of things to come and receiving a Sacred anointing. Initiated into Divine Mysteries, you enlighten those who cry: Glory to Him Who has strengthened you! Glory to Him Who has granted you a Crown! Glory to Him Who through you works healing for all!
Kontakion: Thou, while living in the flesh, wast as an Angel upon Earth; and through thine Ascetic pains, thou didst become like a great tree planted by the streams of temperance, increasing greatly; with the rivers of thy tears, thou didst cleanse away stains. O Abramius, for this cause, a godly vessel of the Good Spirit art thou.
Hymn of Praise to The Venerable Abramius the Recluse, by Saint Nikolai Velimivorich: Saint Abramius left his bride, and dedicated his life to strict Asceticism. By Asceticism he worked out his Salvation, and wisely directed others to Salvation. Demonic power attacked the Saint, but in the Name of Christ he crushed it. The demon took on various, horrible guises, to scare and hinder the man of God. This man of God did not allow himself to fear, or separate his mind from God, but shone on the world like a candle, Glorifying the One God, the Most-Holy Trinity. Imprisoned, alone and not wanted by the world, Abramius became a prisoner for the sake of Christ, for fifty years-fifty years! Of tears, fasting and struggle-all for the Son of God: For fifty years-fifty years! Established on Christ, the firm Foundation. Glory to Abramius, Christ’s soldier, that, on the mortal Earth, he has shown us immortality!
