Feast Day: August 26th
The Life of Saint Adrian and Saint Natalia: When she entered the prison, she kissed the bonds and chains which bound her husband, and praised him for his eagerness to demonstrate his witness for Christ…
Apolytikion: Thou didst deem that Faith which hath Salvation to be riches never lost or plundered. Thou forsookest thy fathers’ impiety, and thou didst follow thy Master, becoming rich in His Divine gifts, O glorious Adrian. With the Godly-minded Natalia, who emboldened thee, entreat Christ God, O Martyr, that our Souls be saved.
Kontakion: Having wisely laid to heart all the Divine words of thy Godly-minded wife, Adrian, Martyr of Christ God, in torments thou strovest ardently; and with thy yoke-mate thou now hast received thy Crown.
Stichera: Adam’s spouse exiled him from Paradise, by the counsel of the serpent; but Natalia, the all-wise, led Adrian to Paradise with sacred talks, exhorting and teaching him to patiently toil, being a mediatress of Heavenly rewards and Eternal glory.
Doxastikon: O the ways of a God-loving woman! For she did not bring her husband corruption as Eve did Adam, but ushered in unbroken life for her spouse. Praising her with her husband, we cry out to Christ, grant us help, by the intercessions of Your Saints.
Saint Adrian and Saint Natalia were husband and wife and loved Christ and each other above everything else.
Saint Adrian and Saint Natalia were Martyred along with twenty-three other Christians, their names are Anatolios, Anthimos, Antiochus, Gentelios, Eleutherios, Hermogenes, Evethios, Euretos, Eutychios, Theagones, Theodore, Thyrsos, John, Karteras, Claudius, Kyriakos, Marinos, Mardonius, Menodius, Platon, Synetos, Troadios and Pharetrios.