Feast Day: November 18th

The Life of Saint Anastasius and Daniel: A witness of the courage of Anastasios was a man named Musa, the son of Mehmed Pasha, who was astonished how these Orthodox Christians shunned Earthly goods and pleasures and accepted instead torture and death. So he visited Anastasios in prison to inquire about this. When he arrived at his cell, Musa beheld Anastasios with two figures standing next to him. He therefore asked Anastasios who they were, and Anastasios responded: “All Orthodox Christians always have a Guardian Angel from God. One was sent to visit me because of the Martyrdom I am undergoing. These Angels protect us here in this world as long as we are alive. After we die, they receive our Souls in Paradise.”…


The Life of Saint Anastasius the New Martyr


Apolytikion: You put to shame the errors of the impious, bravely shedding your blood on behalf of Christ God through the pains of your contest. Wherefore having received an incorruptible crown, intercede to the Lord, Anastasios, Martyr, to rescue us from various circumstances.

Kontakion: You Martyrically contested, and were made worthy of the glory of the Martyrs, in these latter days, Anastasios, who were godly-minded in the blossom of your youth, bravely enduring beheading. Therefore you partake in Eternal glory, entreating Christ on behalf of our Souls.

Megalynarion: As the delightful offspring of Paramythia, and all of Epirus, and its wise new boast, we celebrate your Holy Memory, joyfully honouring you, Anastasios.



Below are some Icons of Saint Anastasius together with Saint Romanos and Saint Platon, who all share the same Feast Day.