Feast Day: January 25th
& October 11th – Synaxis of the Elders of Optina Monastery
The Life of Saint Anatoly: Near the end of his life, Father Anatoly had atained the same Spiritual wisdom, discernment, and clairvoyance possessed by Father Macarius and Father Ambrose. He saw the secrets of the human Soul, and was able to foretell future events…
Saint Anatoly Pray to God for us.

“Are you fighting against your passions? Fight, fight, and be good soldiers of Christ! Do not give in to evil and do not be carried away by the weakness of the flesh. During the time of temptation, flee to the Physician, crying out with the Holy Church, our mother: ‘O God, number me with the thief, the harlot, and the publican (i.e., with the repentant), and save me!'”
“Wherever God is – there is peace. And the opposite is self-evident: where there is envy, enmity, impatience, self-love – there is the devil. Wherever the devil is – there, everything is ruinous, proud and hostile.”
“If you are constantly angry and complaining, it is indicative of a proud Soul. Humble yourself, reproach yourself, and the Lord is powerful to give you comfort and a helping hand.”
“Do not be afraid of grief, illnesses, suffering, or any trials. All these are visits from God, for your benefit.”
“You cannot destroy the passions on your own, but ask God, and He will destroy them, if this is profitable for you.”
“The best fast is to endure everything that God sends your way.”
“Without winter there would be no spring, and without spring there would be no summer. So it is also in the Spiritual life: a little consolation, and then a little grief – and thus little by little we work out our Salvation. Let us accept everything from the hand of God. If He comforts us, let us thank Him. And if He doesn’t comfort us – let us thank Him.”
“Life is hard for you? Why, is there anyone for whom it is not hard? And do those in the world really have no troubles? Be patient, and a comforter will come in time. The Lord said, ‘In your patience possess your souls’ (Lk. 21:19). If you are unable to do something and your health does not permit it, humble yourself and beg meekly [to be excused] – and above all, be patient. And if you lose patience in some situation, reproach yourself and ask God for help.”
“Endure everything, and you will be at peace and you will bring peace to others. But if you complain about details, you will lose peace and along with it salvation.”
“Do not be upset. The Lord is near! I see above you a cloud of sorrows, but our life is not eternal. And the sorrowful and the joyous all pass, but the righteousness of God abides for ever. ‘We must enter through many tribulations into the Kingdom of God’ (Acts 14:22). The more sorrows, the more consolations: ‘For the multitude of my diseases, Thy consolation hath lifted my Soul’ (Psalm 93, 19)”
“If you have pity for others, you will not be so quick to condemn them.”
“We must have faith in Divine Providence and give no place to faintheartedness and our own reasonings.”
“Recite the Jesus Prayer and be saved.”
“The person who has succeeded in lighting his lamp will rejoice forever with the most sweet and desired Bridegroom in the unceasing company of those who keep festival. This lamp is Prayer; the heart is the wick, Prayer itself is the flame. The ineffable joy experienced in the Prayerful heart is the action of the Holy Spirit, or the bliss in the bridal chamber with the Heavenly Bridegroom. Therefore I exhort and implore you: do not grow sluggish and do not waste precious time in laughter and joking. All these temporary “comforts” will turn into a burning coal, a loathsome stench and an unbearable sorrow, and there will be nowhere to flee. For this reason did our Saviour say to His beloved disciples, Watch and Pray, that ye enter not into temptation. (Matt. 26:41)”
“You ask me for advice on how to live your life? Take it one day at a time. Go to Church as often as you can to strengthen your Faith; dedicate your free time to reading the Gospel to bring yourself closer to God. Take your sorrows with patience, remembering the words of Christ, ‘In this world, you will have trouble.”
“How can one laugh at a Clergyman? So what if he serves poorly? He still has Grace. He is Ordained. One must not, must not, laugh!”
“Do not stop reading the morning and evening Prayers from the Prayer book, comprehending the meaning of every word and reflecting on it. Use your rosary at Church and at home to fend off distractions of the mind and spirit. Every day, read one chapter from the Gospel, Epistles and Acts of the Apostles. For a close conversation with God, read a Kathisma, an Akathist to Our Lord Jesus Christ, or the Holy Theotokos.”
“Keeping the peace in our families is our Lord’s Holy Command. As Apostle Paul wrote, a husband must love his wife as himself. He also likened the wife to the Church. Appreciate the meaning and value of marriage!”
From a conversation of a young lady with Elder Anatole Potapov of Optina:
“Now you’re going to tell me you want to get married?”
I was silent.
“You love him now for his good looks. Marry him when you feel that you can’t live without him. I know of one case: the husband was at war and was killed. His wife died at home in that same hour. When it’s like that with you, then get married.”