Feast Day: November 30th
& June 30th, the Synaxis of the 12 Apostles
The Life of Saint Andrew: Then, Andrew brought his brother Peter to the Lord…
Apolytikion: As the first-called of the Apostles and brother of their leader, O Andrew, entreat the Master of all, that peace be granted unto the world and great mercy to our Souls.
Kontakion: Let us acclaim the Divine herald, who is a namesake of courage, the first-called of the Saviour’s disciples, and the kinsman of Peter; for, as of old He called him, so now he calls us: “Come, we have found the Desired One!”
Megalynarion: Of the Apostolic choir of the Lord you were the first, O Blessed one, to be called and to follow Him. With your Holy brother, O Andrew, you did leave all to preach Christ to all nations, that all may praise His Name.