The Life of Saint Anna: Hearing the words of the Angel, Anna bowed to God and said: “As the Lord God lives, if a child is born to me, I shall offer it for service to God. Let it serve Him and Glorify the Holy Name of God day and night all the time of its life.”…

Synaxis of Saint Anna and Saint Joachim: September 9th
Saint Anna and was married to Saint Joachim. They were old in age, well past the years of child-bearing, but through their faith in God and their earnest Prayers for a child, God Blessed them to have a daughter, the Most Blessed Mother of God.
Apolytikion: Having been Righteous in the Grace of the Law, Joachim and Anna did bear for us a God-given child: therefore, today the Divine Church radiantly triumphs, celebrating joyously your precious memory, Glorifying God Who has elevated the horn of Salvation for us in the house of David.
Kontakion: Now Anna rejoiceth that she is released from the bonds of her barrenness, and she doth nourish her immaculate child. She calleth together all the people to praise Him Who, from her womb, gave to mortals the only Ever-Virgin Mother.
Prayer: O Ever-Glorious and Righteous Forbearers of Christ, Holy Joachim and Anna who stand before the Heavenly Throne of the Great King and possess boldness before Him; He was well pleased to become Incarnate of your All-Blessed daughter, the All-Pure Birth-Giver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. We, the sinful and unworthy, come to you as mighty intercessors and diligent advocates for us. Entreat His goodness, that He turn away His wrath from us, which we deserve because of our deeds and that, overlooking our countless transgressions, He may turn us to the way of repentance and set us firmly upon the path of His Commandments. By your supplications preserve our life in peace. Ask that we may be successful in good things. By your intercession, may God grant to us all things necessary for life and piety and may He deliver us from all peril, misfortune and sudden death. May He allow us to live out our lives in peace and tranquility, in all piety and purity. Having thus passed from this transitory life in peace, we may attain unto everlasting rest, where by your Holy entreaty, may we be granted the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to Whom is due all Glory, honour and worship with the Father and All-Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages.

Because Saint Joachim and Saint Anna were childless for so many years, they are often Prayed to by couples who cannot conceive. Through their Prayers God has blessed so many couples with children. There is a Holy Icon of Saint Anna on Mount Athos. It has become a beautiful Spiritual Blessing for the husband to go to the Holy Mountain to Pray to Saint Anna and Saint Joachim before this Holy Icon, and countless husbands and wives have been blessed with a family afterwards.

Below is an Icon of Christ with his beloved Saint Joachim and Saint Anna, and their daughter Panagia, together with Saint Zacharias and Saint Elizabeth with their son Saint John the Baptist.
