Feast Day: December 4th

The Life of Saint Barbara: Grant me, O Lord, this supplication, and grant Your servant Grace, that those who remember me in Your Holy Name and celebrate the Memory of the days of my Martyrdom, O Lord, may be forgiven, and not have their sins remembered in the day of judgment…


2022 – Life & Chants – She made the sign of the Holy Cross, and Confessed she was a Christian.
2020 – The Life of Saint Barbara the Great Martyr



Apolytikion: Let us honour the all-virtuous Saint Barbara; for she broke the snares of the enemy, and she escaped from them like a bird, with the Cross as her help and shield.

Kontakion: Singing the praises of the Trinity, you followed God by enduring suffering; you renounced the multitude of idols, O Holy Martyr Barbara. In your struggles, you were not frightened by the threats of your torturers, but cried out in a loud voice: “I worship the Trinity in one God-head.”

Megalynarion: Abandoning your father’s impiety, you were shown O Barbara as a true daughter of the King of Heaven for Whom you most eagerly contested. Thus those who approach you, you guard from all illnesses.

When you heard the verdict that announced your sweet death, O Holy Great Martyr, Saint Barbara modest and pure, full of joy and speedily you ran the race to the end. At the unlawful hand of your own impious father, you were slain and offered as a sacrifice to God. Therefore as you join in the chorus of the Wise Virgins in Heaven, you now see the shining of your Bridegroom Christ.

Forsaking country and family and possessions, O Barbara, and hating your impious father, you loved God instead. He called you, and you made a great trade, and you became His bride. Pray to Him to save our Souls.

Doxastikon: You traveled the road of struggle, fleeing the will of your father, O All-honored Barbara, and as a wise Virgin, you entered into the courts of your Lord bearing a lamp, and with manliness as a Martyr, you received Grace to heal the brutal maiming of the flesh. And, for those who hymn you, grant deliverance from pains of soul through your intercessions to God.

Prayer to Saint Barbara, by Saint John of Damascus: O Saint of Christ, and Victorious Martyr Barbara, you dwell not only in the place of which you are the pride, and your Grace of Healing is not circumscribed, but you go throughout the whole world to those you approach you with fervent faith, and celebrate your yearly Memory. They are healed from the wounds of sicknesses, and you bend down to the people of every age, and remove the indignant power of demons. For those in need have only to call upon your untiring help to be delivered from all dangers and trials. And for us who love and honour your care in faith, which commands honour, and who take refuge in your help and intercessions, become, O Champion Barbara, and Victorious and Ever-Honoured and Ever-Memorable, and Most-Famed Martyr, and Athlete of the Heavenly King who competed lawfully, a defender and champion for us in every trial, and a ceaseless intercessor towards the All-Good Christ our God, together with His Beginningless and Unoriginate and Worshiped Father, and the Consubstantial and Life-Creating Spirit, to Whom belong Glory, honour and worship, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.


2021 – We who extol you now Pray you to deliver us from suffering of Soul.
2020 – Come people, let us sing hymns on the festive day in honour of Barbara the Victorious!








Below are two Icons of the two Great Virgin Martyrs and Brides of Christ – Saint Barbara and Saint Katherine.


Saint Barbara and Saint Paraskevi
