Saint Cosmas travelled from village to village speaking about Our Lord Jesus Christ. When he would visit a new village, Saint Cosmas made a Cross from a local tree and he would hold this while speaking with the people. He would then leave this Cross behind as a strength and reminder to the villagers that they are Christians, and to remember all that he spoke with them about.

“What does our Christ instruct us to do? Meditate on our sins, on death, on hell, on Paradise, and on our Soul, which is more precious than the entire world. We are to eat and drink moderately, similarly, to clothe ourselves moderately, and to use the remaining time for our Soul – to make it a Bride for Our Christ. And then we can call ourselves human beings and Earthly Angels. But if we concern ourselves with what we shall eat and what we shall drink, how we shall commit sin, how to dress up this stinking body which tomorrow will be eaten by worms, and do not concern ourselves about our Soul which is Eternal, then we can’t be called human beings, but animals. So make your body a servant of the Soul, and then you can call yourselves human beings.”







Below is a photo of a Cross that Saint Cosmas made from branches.


Below is a photo of Saint Cosmas’ iron Cross at Milia Pieria, and an iron Cross he made in the Village of Grevena.