Feast Day: September 29th

The Life of Saint Cyriacus: Monks and faithful, attracted to the Grace of the Holy Elder, sought him out in his retreat, some to be freed from evil spirits, others to be healed of illness, and others to be Blessed and hear the word of Salvation…



Kontakion: The sacred Lavra doth at all times rightly honour thee as a sure helper and support and mighty champion, and it annually observeth thy Holy memory. And since thou, O Venerable Kyriakos, dost possess boldness with the Lord, protect us from our enemies, that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O thrice-Blessed Father.

Prayer: The bitterness of the onions you warded off Kyriakos, giving them a sweet taste, or you would be condemned to die. Onion-eating Kyriakos made his end on the twenty-ninth.

Saint Kyriakos and his disciple lived on nothing but wild onions, that Miraculously lost their bitterness due to his Prayers. They lived on these onions for four years, until a devout man would bring them bread to eat as well; at which time the onions regained their bitterness and they had to boil them to eat them.


source – We went to Father Kyriakos and told him all that we had heard from the blessed Mary. Father Kyriakos marveled and said:

“Glory to You, our God! How many are Your Saints – not only men, but women as well – who labour for You in secret! Go now, my children, to God’s handmaiden, and do whatever she tells you.”

An Icon