Feast Day: January 31st

The Life of Saints Cyrus and John, and their companions in Martyrdom Saint Athanasia and her three daughters Saint Theoktisti, Saint Theodoti and Saint Eudokia: Hearing about Cyrus, John, then a Roman officer in Edessa, came to Arabia to see him. Upon meeting, they loved one another as a brother loves a brother and remained together to live a life of Asceticism… At that time, a certain Christian woman named Athanasia, together with her three daughters, was tortured by the persecutors in the town of Canopus. Hearing of this, Cyrus and John came to Canopus to encourage the mother and her daughters not to abandon the Faith…



Apolytikion: Since Thou hast given us the Miracles of Thy Holy Martyrs as an invincible battlement, by their entreaties scatter the counsels of the heathen, O Christ our God, and strengthen the faith of Orthodox Christians, since Thou alone art Good and the Friend of man.

Kontakion: With a great voice, O ye faithful, let us hymn the Great Physicians of the world, the pair beloved of Christ, the luminaries who are radiant with the beams of Healing; and as we stand in their Temple, we cry out: Cyrus and John, the bestowers of Miracles and Healers of the ailing, shine forth to the ends of the world.


Saint Cyrus was an Unmercenary Physician, and healed people with medicine and his Prayers to Christ. He always encouraged the sick to purify their Soul with Prayer and Repentance. When Saint Cyrus was Tonsured a Monk, God Blessed him to heal every sickness with the Sign of the Cross. Saint John was a Christian soldier, when he met Saint Cyrus they lived together in Asceticism, Prayer and healing the sick.


Saint Athanasia and her three daughters Saint Theoktisti, Saint Theodoti and Saint Eudokia were arrested for being Christians, but they remained unshaken in their love for Christ.


Saint Cyrus and Saint John visited them in the prison to encourage them in their Faith. They were then captured and tortured, and then the Holy mother and daughters encouraged Saint Cyrus and Saint John. They were all then Martyred for their love for Christ, and remain ever-ready helpers for all of us who Pray to them.

