Feast Day: November 1st
The Life of Saint David: The Holiness of Saint David was a powerful magnet attracting people who wanted to dedicate themselves to Jesus Christ…

Apolytikion: A great boast of Euboea were you proved to be, the all-glorious, David the Divine, as a Holy descendent of virtue, and a most-true defender of Christ, and Equal to all the Righteous. Therefore Righteous Father, entreat Christ God, to grant us great Mercy.
Kontakion: Come, those who are the servants of Christ, come, those who Honour the Most Holy Theotokos, come, those who Honour John the Baptist, the Forerunner, come to Pray together with the Venerable Saint David, the God-bearing Wonderworker, and sing to him: Rejoice, Venerable David, worthy follower of the Forerunner!