Feast Day: September 11th

The Life of Saint Elias: Elias worked very hard and spent his nights in Chanting, Prayers and Prostrations…


A Prayer

Saint Elias the Cave-Dweller Pray to God for us.

“He who works with his hands and Prays in his heart becomes doubly rich because he serves Jesus present in the person of the poor like Martha and he attends to the sayings of the Word of God with his intellect, like Mary.”


One day he dreamt of a swarm of bees, humming melodiously as they flew about his head. He gathered them in a vessel and put it in a wonderful garden full of bright flowers. When he awoke, he realized this meant that henceforth God would have him welcome and guide brethren in the way of the Kingdom of Heaven.

One day, when the wine for the Holy Sacrifice chanced to be lost, the Saint changed some water into a most sweet-smelling wine.

On another occasion, he fearlessly scolded a bear that was destroying the Monastery’s hives and vegetable plots and the animal made off, ashamed of itself.

On Feast Days, he would spend the night in the most joyful singing of Hymns and canticles.