The Life of Saint Elizabeth: Elizabeth, when she saw her pursuers, began to implore God for their safety, and immediately the hill opened up and concealed her and the infant…

Synaxis of Saint Elizabeth and Prophet Zacharias: June 24th
Troparion: The memory of Your Prophets Zacharias and Elizabeth we celebrate today, O Lord. By their Prayers, we beseech You, O Christ God, save our Souls!
Kontakion: As the full moon brightly reflects the light of the sun, you reflected the Glory of the Messiah, the Light of Wisdom! With Zacharias you walked in all of the Lord’s Commandments, Elizabeth, beloved by God. So as we bless you with fitting songs, we praise the Lord, the bountiful Light, Who enlightens all.

Below is an Icon of Christ with his beloved Saint Zacharias and Saint Elizabeth with their son Saint John the Baptist, together with Saint Joachim and Saint Anna, and their daughter Panagia.
