Feast Day: February 27th 1998
The Life of Saint Ephraim of Katounakia: From childhood, he loved Christ and was raised beside monks and nuns, desiring to imitate their way of life which was equal to the Angels… with ceaseless Prayer of the heart, the bending of the knees, fasting and utter obedience, towards the perfection of virtue and theosis…

Apolytikion: O newly-shining lamp-lighter of Noetic Prayer, as a dweller of Katounakia and a light of the Holy Mountain, who illumined all with the light of your virtues, O most-divine Ephraim, who proceeded to the heights of theosis, dispassion and nepsis: Do not cease to entreat Christ for us.
Kontakion: Let us praise the hard-working, prayerful and neptic ascetic of Katounakia, who was lifted up from every baseness of the nous towards the virtues through purification, as one equal to the Angels, let us mortals praise him with psalms and divine hymns, crying out: Rejoice, O most-divine Father.
Oikos: The Angels were astonished, beholding your feats in Katounakia, O Ephraim, and the chaste citizens of Athos beheld the Grace that dwelt in you through your Monastic way of life, and they cry out these things with compunction in Soul: Rejoice, bodiless one bearing flesh. Rejoice, inheritor of Heaven. Rejoice, defender of dispassion and nepsis. Rejoice, fellow-dweller with non-possessiveness and Grace. Rejoice, unassailable foundation of Prayer of the heart. Rejoice, greatly-varied stream of perfect obedience. Rejoice, you who were a disciple at the feet of Joseph. Rejoice, you who showed to all the virtue of your heart. Rejoice, godly offspring of Thebes. Rejoice, goodness by canon and knowledge. Rejoice, dweller of Katounakia. Rejoice, protector of those who approach you. Rejoice, O all-venerable Father.
Megalynarion: Rejoice, you who lived the life surpassing nature in asceticism in Katounakia, and approached Heaven through your vigils, Prayers and nepsis, O spirit-bearing Ephraim, the pride of Athos.
Verse: Obedience, prayer and a harsh way of life you lived, O Ephraim, in Katounakia.

The Icon below is the first Icon of Saint George Karslides, found in the Cell of Saint Ephraim of Katounakia.