Feast Day: January 28th
The Life of Saint Ephraim the Syrian: He wrote many prayers and hymns, thereby enriching the Church’s liturgical services… Saint Ephraim’s Prayer of Repentance, “O Lord and Master of my life…”, is recited during Great Lent, and it summons Christians to Spiritual renewal …

Apolytikion: With the rivers of your tears, you have made the barren desert fertile. Through sighs of sorrow from deep within you, your labors have borne fruit a hundred-fold. By your Miracles you have become a light, shining upon the world. O Ephraim, our Holy Father, Pray to Christ our God, to save our Souls.
Kontakion: At all times didst thou foresee the hour of reckoning, and pricked in thy heart, thou ever didst lament with tears; and, O righteous Ephraim, thou wast a mighty teacher in works and deeds. Hence, O Father for all the world, thou didst rouse the slothful unto change of heart.
“Faith grows in three stages: Once the Apostles believed in Father, Son and Spirit, then the Gospel message flew to the four quarters of the globe by the power of the Cross.”
“Brother, walk the way of sorrow and be saved.”

“Fire and the Spirit are in our Baptism; Fire and the Spirit are also in the Bread and Cup.”
