Feast Day: March 1st
The Life of Saint Eudokia: Saint Evdokia then heard a gentle voice from Heaven saying: “Such is the Good Will (evdokia) of God: to receive with compassion those who repent.”.
Kontakion: You contended well in your suffering, all-praised one; even after your death you bless us, pouring out wonders on us. In faith we run to your Divine Temple, and as we celebrate your Feast, we entreat you, Venerable Martyr Eudokia, that we be delivered from Spiritual afflictions and may receive the Grace of Miracles.
Troparion: With an upright mind you bound your Soul to the love of Christ. As a Disciple of the Word you turned from corruption and all that passes away, for you were not moved by Earthly beauty. First you mortified the passions through fasting, then you put the enemy to shame by your suffering. Therefore, Christ has granted you a two-fold Crown. Glorious Eudokia, Venerable Passion-bearer, entreat Christ God that our Souls may be saved!
Saint Eudokia lived for several years in prostitution and debauchery. Her heart and Soul were hardened. At one point she became very sick, and for this reason all her friends abandoned her. After the restoration of her health she settled in a secluded part of the city. One night Saint Eudokia awoke at midnight and heard Chanting coming for her Christian neighbour’s house. A Monk was staying there, reading his evening Prayer Rule, and then Saint Eudokia heard him read aloud a book about the Last Judgement of God. The Grace of God touched Saint Evdokia’s heart and she grieved for her great wealth and sinful life. In the morning she spoke to the Monk, Elder Germanus, who guided her. She remained for one week in her home, in fasting, Prayer and tears of repentance. Saint Eudokia then saw a great light and Archangel Michael led her to Heaven where the Saints welcomed her with joy, and the devil accused God of injustice for having so quickly accepted the repentance of a sinner. Saint Evdokia then heard a gentle voice from Heaven saying:
“Such is the Good Will (evdokia) of God: to receive with compassion those who repent.”.
Elder Germanus then told her to give away her wealth and receive Holy Baptism. Saint Eudokia did that, and then entered a Monastery where she lived in strict Asceticism, and the Lord granted her Spiritual Gifts. She was then made Abbess of the Monastery. She wore for the rest of her life the garment of her Baptism.
Saint Eudokia encountered temptations, trials and tortures, and by her Prayers she raised some people who had died and brought many people to believe in Christ. She lived in Asceticism for 56 years in her Monastery and was beheaded for the great Miracles Christ worked through her.