Feast Day: September 16th

& July 11th – Commemoration of the Miracle at the 4th Ecumenical Council

The Life of Saint Euphemia: The Saint gave thanks unto the Lord with gladness…


2023 – Life – Begins at 2:00:09


Apolytikion: The Divine eros, radiantly struggling, as fragrance you offered to Christ O All-Praised one, seen as an All-comely youth, and an adorned Martyr, therefore entering into the Bridal Chamber of Heaven, you bestow on the world the graces of healing, and you save those who cry out, hail O Divine Euphemia.

Kontakion: Thou strovest valiantly in thy Sacred contest; and even after death, thou makest us holy with streams of healings, O All-famed Euphemia. For this cause we Venerate thy most Holy dormition and with faith we stand before thine All-Venerable Relics, that we be freed from illness of the Soul and also draw forth the Grace of thy Miracles.

Apolytikion: O Euphemia, thou didst gladden the Orthodox, and put the heretics to shame. Thou didst confirm the Fathers’ teaching at the Fourth Synod. O Glorious Martyr, entreat Christ our God to grant us His great Mercy.

Kontakion: Thou didst struggle in faith and suffering for Christ thy Bridegroom. Now, through the Mother of God, Pray that the Orthodox may overthrow heresies, O All-famed Euphemia, who didst receive and guard the definition of the six hundred and thirty God-bearing Fathers.


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