Feast Day: January 8th

The Life of Saint George: Remaining in seclusion throughout the week and keeping his Spiritual labours a close secret, he joined the cenobitic community on Sundays, spoke of things useful to the Soul, and would receive with especial care the Confession of thoughts of the brethren. He used to collect leftovers from the common table during the week, which he dried in the sun and ate. In spite of numerous assaults of demons aimed at interrupting his rule of Prayer, he would never break it for any reason, and he never spoke a word without an inspiration from God; he thus won great power over unclean spirits…



Apolytikion – Tone 1: God-bearing Father George, you cultivated the Word of Grace and gathered the splendid fruits of Righteousness, having chosen the way of Godliness. Therefore, you partook of the Glory of Christ; intercede with Him unceasingly that He may have Mercy on our Souls.

Kontakion – Tone 4: You have appeared as a brilliant light and have illumined with Divine rays those who cry to you, O George. Pray for us to Christ the Master, Who appeared in the waters to illumine those born on Earth.

“Believe me, even if someone were able to make Heaven and Earth anew, but regarded his neighbour with proud contempt, he would labour in vain and his portion would be with the hypocrites (cf. Matt. 24:51). A man cannot approach God unless he is at peace with his neighbour. The sins and passions all have pride as their common source and they lead to death; while obedience and submission to the Lord are life, joy and light.”


Saint George reached old age and fell ill, realising the moment of his departure was near, he sent for his disciple Anthony, who was busy looking after the guests and couldn’t get to Saint George at that time. Saint George sent a message to him, “Don’t worry, I shall wait until you have finished your duty.” When his disciple arrived towards midnight, Saint George embraced him and said right before he reposed:

“Depart, my Soul! Go to the Lord!”
