Feast Day: October 20th

The Life of Saint Gerasimos: For his exalted life he was granted a miraculous gift: the ability to heal the sick and cast out unclean spirits…


2023 – Life – Begins at 2:11:44


Akathist Hymn

Apolytikion: O believers, let us praise the protector of the Orthodox, The God-bearing Miracle-worker lately appearing to us, the incarnate Angel, Divine Gerasimos. For he has rightly received from God the ever-flowing Grace of performing healing. He strengthens those with diseases and he heals those with demons. And therefore he pours out healings to those who honour him.

Kontakion: Now doth Cephalonia, with sacred songs of thanksgiving, call upon the multitudes of all the Orthodox Christians to extol the boast and glory of Orthodoxy, the Divine and great Gerasimus, who is truly her deliverer and champion, who doth preserve her from all the harm of her foes.

Kefalonia claims you as her own earnest Patron Saint.



The Three Walking Saints and Wonderworkers Saint Gerasimos together with Saint Spyridon and Saint Dionysios of Zakynthos.
