Feast Day: May 21st

The Life of Saint Helena: Saint Helena began the search, and through the Will of God, the Life-Creating Cross was Miraculously discovered in 326…


2023 – Sermon


Akathist Hymn

Kontakion: Today, Constantine with his mother Helena present the Cross, the most Precious Wood. It shames unbelievers. It is a weapon of faithful kings against their adversaries. A great sign has come forth for us which is awesome in battle.

Kathisma: The Maker of the sun and all creation was led once to the Cross. And now to himself He leads you, the shining star, by stars from Heaven. And to you first He bestowed imperial power. Therefore, O most pious Emperor Constantine, we extol you and your mother Helena the Godly‐Minded.

Hymn: Full of wisdom, Helena, praised by all, when you accepted the Lordʹs saving teachings, like chosen Earth you abundantly produced many fruits of your virtuous deeds. And by displaying a Holy way of life for imitation, you thereby feed our minds. Therefore we celebrate your Divine Memorial, O Royal Saint, festively observing it today with heightened joy.


Holy Constantine and Devout Helen who advanced Your Word….




