Feast Day: December 13th & August 9th
The Life of Saint Herman of Alaska: So the Elder worked, and everything that he acquired as a result of his immeasurable labours was used to feed and clothe orphans, and also for books for his students…

Apolytikion: Blessed Ascetic of the northern wilds and gracious intercessor for the whole world, teacher of the Orthodox Faith, good instructor of piety, adornment of Alaska and joy of all America, Holy Father Herman, Pray to Christ God that He save our Souls.
Kontakion: Monk of Valaam, who through Ascetic labours didst become an emulator of the desert-dwelling Saints of old, O beloved of the Mother of God and Virgin, having taken Prayer as sword and shield, thou wast revealed as the scourge of pagan darkness and the demons’ hosts. Hence we cry to thee: O Saint Herman, Pray that we be saved.
Read about one encounter Saint Herman had with a Holy Angel of the Lord: he said: “This branch is for him who will weep over his sins, who will endure everything on the Earth. Ask of God patience, and when you will have endured everything with patience, then you will likewise be given an apple!”…

Saint Innocent of Alaska Praying to Saint Herman of Alaska