Feast Day: January 13th

The Life of Saint Hermylus and Saint Stratonicus: Saint Stratonicus, at the encouragement of Saint Hermylus, revealed that he was a Christian…



Apolytikion – Tone 3: O Holy Martyrs who have faithfully Confessed the transcendent Trinity, renowned and invincible Hermylus and steadfast, godly Stratonikus, since you partake of the Glory that surpasses understanding, Pray that we may be granted great mercy.

Kontakion – Tone 1: When ye received your death in the streams of the river, ye drowned the ruthless foe in the depths of your contest, O far-famed Stratonikus and Hermylus, thou men of God; wherefore, in your struggles ye were worthily guided to the water of true incorruption and glory, by Christ God, Who set your course.

Saint Hermylus and Saint Stratonicus were friends.


Saint Hermylus Prayed that the Lord would give him strength to endure his torments and triumph over the pagans. The people near heard a voice saying: “Hermylus, you will be delivered from your suffering in three days, and will receive a great reward.”


Saint Stratonikus was one of the prison guards and a secret Christian. Seeing the great torments his friend Saint Hermylus experienced, having been beaten with rods covered in thorns and his chest and stomach ripped open, he was unable to keep from weeping. At the encouragement of Saint Hermylus he then revealed that he too was a Christian.


They were both tortured and put into a net and thrown into the river.

An Icon