Feast Day: September 17th

The Life of Saint Hope: She said, “Having Christ’s help, I fear no torments; rather, I desire them as I desire the sweet things of Paradise, so sweet is my Lord to me.”…


If these three girls had not experienced the Love of Christ…


Akathist Hymn to Saint Hope, her sisters Saint Faith, Saint Love and their mother Saint Sophia.

Troparion: The Church celebrates and rejoices in the feast of the three daughters: Faith, Hope, and Love and their Mother Sophia, named for her wisdom: for in them she gave birth to the three Godly virtues. Now they Eternally behold their Bridegroom, God the Word. Let us rejoice Spiritually in their memory and cry: O our three Heavenly Protectors, establish, confirm and strengthen us in Faith, Hope and Love.

Troparion: You blossomed in the courts of the Lord as a fruitful olive tree, Holy Martyr Sophia; in your contest you offered to Christ the sweet fruit of your womb, your daughters Faith, Hope, and Love. Together with them intercede for us all.

Apolytikion: O Lord Jesus, unto Thee Thy lamb doth cry with a great voice: O my Bridegroom, Thee I love; and seeking Thee, I now contest, and with Thy baptism am crucified and buried. I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign with Thee; for Thy sake I die, that I may live in Thee: accept me offered out of longing to Thee as a spotless sacrifice. Lord, save our souls through her intercessions, since Thou art great in mercy.


Hymn of Praise by Saint Nikolai Velimirovich: Sophia, all-wise, glorified the Lord; as a sacrifice to Him, she offered three most-beautiful daughters. To her daughters she said: “Be not afraid, my daughters; strengthen yourselves in Christ; endure in the Faith; and be not afraid of torture or bitter misfortunes. Do not grieve over your bodies – it is better in Heaven: God will give you wonderful bodies in Heaven. Do not grieve over your beauty – with Divine beauty you will shine among the Angels in the Kingdom of God, as the daughters of the King of kings! Do not grieve over life – what is this Earthly life worth? Its span is at most a hundred years. In Heaven, life without end awaits you: life without end, life without beginning. Do not grieve for the company of Earthly friends, for the company of wonderful Saints awaits you there. Nor should the company of worldly kinsmen cause you grief – for your kin in the Heavens are the Glorious Martyrs.” Thus the Saintly mother instructed her Holy daughters, as, one by one, they flew off to Heaven: three white doves, innocent and pure, flew swiftly to the bosom of Christ. And with her Soul uplifted, their mother flew after them, and joined her glorious daughters in Paradise; and Our Merciful God receives their Prayers.
