Feast Day: January 28th

& September 28th

The Life of Saint Isaac the Syrian: He withdrew from there and settled in a desert area, in extreme quietude and seized with longing, renouncing all material things, and arriving at the heights of Theoria, full of intangible brightness, becoming an angel in the flesh…



Service of Small Vespers

Apolytikion: He that thundered on Sinai with saving laws for man hath also given thy writings as guides in Prayer unto Monks, O revealer of unfathomable Mysteries; for having gone up in the mount of the vision of the Lord, thou wast shown the many mansions. Wherefore, O God-bearing Isaac, entreat the Saviour for all praising thee.

Kontakion: As an ascetic and God-bearer great in righteousness and an instructor of Monastics do we honour thee, thou revealer of things Sacred, and our protector. But, O Isaac, since thou hast great boldness with the Lord, intercede with Him for all of us who sing thy praise and who cry to thee: Rejoice, O Father most wise in God.

Oikos: An Angel in asceticism, in the flesh, you were shown to be, O all-blessed God-bearer Isaac, and through your angelic voice, you imparted to us words of Salvation, and we who are led towards the life to come, cry out to you: Hail, the star from Syria. Hail, the lamp of hesychia. Hail, you who overcame daily cares. Hail, partaker of Heavenly illumination. Hail, God-inscribed pillar of holy Hesychasts. Hail, sweet-flowing mouth of spiritual teachings. Hail, for you were filled with God-given wisdom. Hail, for you deliver from evil passions. Hail, most-fervent healer of Christ. Hail, our godly teacher. Hail, O wise God-bearer Isaac. Hail, our godly guide. Hail, O Father most wise in God.

Doxastikon: The equal to the Angels in asceticism, and Divine-appearing in virtues, Isaac the godly-minded one, let us praise with hymns and odes, for rising as a phoenix, being watered through streams of tears, he brought forth fruit through the activity of the Spirit for the Church of Christ. And he intercedes ceaselessly to Christ, the Giver-of-Light, that we be granted mercy, and the remission of offenses.

Doxastikon: The fear of things to come ordered your life, and you abandoned corrupting notions from your Soul, O Venerable one, through much hesychia and continence and nepsis, you inscribed upon your nous the ascetical way of life, and from the treasure of your heart, you bestow upon all saving teachings. And therefore, our Father Isaac, as you stand before the Three-sun light [of the Holy Trinity], deliver us from the darkness of passions.

Megalynarion: Hail, O divine canon of hesychia. Hail, O wise teacher of Monastics. Hail, you who offer the grace of your word to everyone, O Venerable Isaac.

