Feast Day: December 20th

The Life of Saint John of Kronstadt: The entire believing part of Russia streamed to the Miracle-Worker…



Akathist Hymn

Apolytikion: O Wonderworker living in Christ for ever, with love have mercy on them that are in danger; hear thy children who call upon thee with faith; be thou compassionate unto them that hope for aid from thee, O Father John of Kronstadt, our beloved Shepherd.

Troparion: With the Apostles your message has gone out to the ends of the world, and with the Confessors you suffered for Christ! You are like the Hierarchs through your preaching of the Word; with the Righteous you are radiant with the Grace of God. The Lord has exalted your humility above the Heavens and given us your name as a source of Miracles. O Wonder-Worker, living in Christ for ever, have mercy on those beset by troubles; and hear us when we cry out in faith, O our beloved Shepherd John!

Kontakion: This day the Pastor of Kronstadt Appears before the Throne of God Praying fervently on behalf of the faithful to the chief Pastor Christ, who has promised: “I will build My Church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it!”









