Feast Day: July 18th

The Life of Saint John: Venerable John the Much-Suffering pursued asceticism at the Kiev Caves Lavra, accepting many sorrows for the sake of virginity…



Saint John Pray to God for us.

Saint John the much-suffering struggled in great asceticism since his youth to conquer the fleshly passions. One Great and Holy Lent he burried his body, leaving out his arms and head, while the burning passions tormented him…


On the night of the Resurrection of Christ the serpent seized the head of the Monk in its jaws. Then Saint John cried out from the depths of his heart: “O Lord my God and my Saviour! Why have You forsaken me? Have mercy upon me, only Lover of Mankind; deliver me from my foul iniquity, so that I am not trapped in the snares of the evil one. Deliver me from the mouth of my enemy: send down a flash of lightning and drive it away.” Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed, and the serpent vanished. A Divine Light shone upon the Ascetic, and a Voice was heard: “John! Here is help for you. Be attentive from now on, that nothing worse happen to you, and that you do not suffer in the age to come.” The Saint prostrated himself and said: “Lord! Why did You leave me for so long in torment?” “I tried you according to the power of your endurance,” was the answer. “I brought upon you temptation, so that you might be purified like gold. It is to the strong and powerful servants that a master assigns the heavy work, and the easy tasks to the infirm and to the weak. Therefore Pray to the one buried here (Moses the Hungarian), he can help you in this struggle, for he did greater deeds than Joseph the All-Comely”

