Feast Day: November 12th

The Life of Saint John the Merciful: At the beginning of his Patriarchal service he ordered his stewards to compile a list of all the poor and downtrodden in Alexandria, which turned out to be over seven thousand men. The Saint ordered that all of these unfortunates be provided for each day out of the Church’s treasury…


2023 – Life & Chants


Epistle Reading

Gospel Reading

Apolytikion: By your patience you obtained your reward, O devout Father. You persevered in your Prayers without ceasing; and the poor you loved and satisfied. We entreat you, Blessed John the Merciful, intercede with Christ Our God, for the Salvation of our Souls.

Kontakion: Thy riches and wealth didst thou disperse unto the poor; thou now hast received the Heavens’ riches in return. For this cause, O all-wise John, we all honour thee with our songs of praise as we keep thy memorial, O namesake of almsgiving and of mercy.

Megalynarion: Ever-flowing river of charity flooding with compassion and distributing to the hearts of those who are lost and thus taste of its fountain do now ever Hymn you great John the Merciful.

You scattered and gave your bread unto the needy and indigent, O most marvelous Father John. Thus you imitated your sympathetic Master’s mercy, O devout one. Therefore your memory remains truly forever, O Holy Hierarch. We celebrate it faithfully, and we entreat you: Deliver us from temptations and suffering, by your Prayers, O all-honoured one.

He who sees all secrets and things hidden, seeing the purity and the uprightness of your mind and your Godly way of life, had you elevated to the most exalted throne and position in the Church, and He Anointed you and perfected you, and clearly He appointed you to lead His flock, which you guided to the Divine Will, O Father John, being wise and inspired by God.

Everything your heart requested of the Lord, He has given you, O exemplary Patriarch. For you were obedient and observed His every Salvifical precept. Divinely Blessed Father John, you loved both God and your neighbour as yourself completely, and you satisfied with alms the poor and the indigent. And for this reason on this day do we honour your memory.

What should we now call you, O Saint of God? As your name denotes, a river flowing out from Paradise, or an aqueduct delivering the Gifts of God to all; a flood-tide of the teachings of the ways of Grace, a goblet filled with wisdom and theology? Your words are careful and vehement, both edifying and practical. So Pray for us, and entreat the Lord to save our Souls.

What are we to call you, all-blessed Saint? Cultivator of immortal crops, that is, believers’ Souls, or a tender of the Spiritual Garden of the Church? An expert on Traditions introduced by God, a master of Theology inspired by God, which you interpreted properly and propagated effectively? So Pray for us, and entreat the Lord to save our Souls.

How should Ι address you, O wondrous man, as a counselor of marriage and a coach of self-restraint, or a trainer of Monastics and a guide to chastity? You hover in between them justifiably, since you had the experience of both of them. You were successful at many things. You led a Godly Ascetic life. So Pray for us, and entreat the Lord to save our Souls.

That fount of mercy, that imitator of Christ, John the great pastor and luminary of Alexandria, overflows with sympathy and tender mercies for those in need. Let us, who are poor in spirit, come and drink till we are full, and let us imitate his cheerfulness. Like blessed Abraham long ago, he was granted to give hospitality to Christ, through the poor, for whom he cared with compassionate love. And now he confidently intercedes with Him, to have mercy on our Souls.

Rejoice, the shining lamp of the Church, the pride and joy of all the world and admired by all, foundation of Orthodoxy, and Alexandria’s pride, rule of self-control and Ascetical discipline, the port for the storm-tossed, rescue of people in jeopardy, a mighty fortress and a guardian most secure, law put into practice, and sea of beneficence; you are the cheerful giver who abundantly gives to all what is appropriate when they in faith to you run, all blessed one. To Christ Pray intently, and beseech Him that great mercy be given to our Souls.

Rejoice, feeder of those who are starved, the very generous provider of those in need, the spring of Divine Compassion, the well of mercy and alms, and the ready help of those who are oppressed, defender of widows, the visitation of the infirm, and for the naked a blanket of security, rehabilitation of those who have fallen down: Father, look down from Heaven’s heights with mercy and tend to us and importune Christ the Saviour that He send down His benevolence as God to His people, and entreat that He bestow His great mercy on our Souls.

Rejoice, the handy guide of the blind, the education of the youth, O exalted one, the walker for those in old age, and of the wandering sheep shepherd, and correction of those who transgress, the meadow of sweetest scents, and the Spirit’s perfumery, the flowing river of unending beneficence, the Divine abode of the All-Holy Trinity: Ever remember us who sing your praise, and deliver us from tribulation and peril, * sickness and torment that never ends, intently entreating Christ the Saviour Who bestows His great Mercy on the world.

Devout Father, the proclamation of your achievements went forth into all the Earth. For your labours you found the reward in Heaven. You destroyed the arrays of demons, and you attained to the orders of the Angels, whose lifestyle you emulated blamelessly. Since you have confidence before Christ Our God, ask Him to grant peace to our Souls.


2022 – Chants – Thus you imitated your Sympathetic Master’s Mercy O devout one.
2021 – You persevered in your Prayers without ceasing and the poor you loved.
2020 – He appointed you to to lead His flock, which you guided to the Divine Will, O Father John.



Blessed John the Merciful, intercede with Christ Our God, for the Salvation of our Souls.