Feast Day: May 27th

The Life of Saint John: So the stable became his hermitage, where he Prayed and chanted Psalms…



Akathist Hymn

Apolytikion: He that hath called thee from Earth unto the Heavenly abodes doth even after thy death keep thy body unharmed, O Righteous one; for thou wast carried off as a prisoner into Asia wherein also, O John, thou didst win Christ as thy friend. Wherefore do thou beseech Him that our Souls be saved.

Kontakion: The Holy memory, O Righteous Father, of thine illustrious contests hath come today gladdening the Souls of those who Venerate thee with reverence and faith, O John.

Doxastikon: Let the village of Prokopi leap for joy and cry out to God today: My beauty today shines greater than any other city, for behold the Divine offspring of Russia and the great treasure of the Venerable, John, who is truly the namesake of Grace, proceeds towards Heaven, leaving behind his Holy body for my Sanctification. Therefore, come, all you ranks of the Orthodox, let us celebrate his Divine memory, that we might partake of the Grace of him who intercedes on behalf of our Souls.

Hymn: You were led away like a stranger and a slave, by the hands of the Hagarenes, O Father, and lived a strange life, O Glorious one, living in a stable like another Job upon a dunghill, amidst struggles and trials, and ever shedding streams of fervent tears, which reached Him Whom you desired, O John, truly the namesake of Grace.

Hymn: A great and awesome wonder is seen in you, O Father! For many years after your burial in the tomb, O blessed one, your body is kept incorrupt! But through this you Glorify the Lord Who Glorified you.

Oikos: How shall I, wretched as I am, praise thy struggles, O Righteous Father? How shall I tell of the deep sea of thy tears? For by thine excellence in this life, thou didst attain to the choirs of the Angels; by abstinence, thou, who art truly wise, didst mortify the passions; and by submitting thyself to hardship, thou madest the flesh subject to the Spirit and didst put to shame the prince of darkness. Wherefore, as thou standest even now before the Master’s Throne, thou intercedest for them that honour thee with faith and reverence, O most Righteous Father John.

Hymn: Those who gather in your Church, we entreat you to deliver from every visible and invisible enemy which tyrannizes them, for under your fervent care we all take refuge.

Hymn: O Father, drive away the fiery arrows of the enemy from us, through your fervent intercessions to the Trinity, so that having been delivered, we may magnify you.

Hymn: The bright star from Prokopion, that noetically shines on all, the boast of the Righteous, and Glory of Cappadocia, the Divine John we honour in hymns.

Hymn: Entreat for peace from God, calmness of Spirits, patience until the end, Salvation of Souls, to us through your intercessions, to those who praise your wondrous deeds with longing.


O John, Godly-minded Confessor.

