Feast Day: September 26th,
& May 8th
& June 30th, the Synaxis of the 12 Apostles
The Life of Saint John the Theologian: As the beloved Disciple of the Master, John was never separated from Christ…
Apolytikion: Beloved Apostle of Christ our God, hasten, deliver a people without defence. As He accepted that you lean upon His breast, he accepts you as you fall before Him. Implore Him, O Theologian, and scatter the persistent cloud of nations, asking for us peace and His Great Mercy.
Kontakion:. Who will recount your mighty works, O Virgin, for you pour out Wonders and are a source of Healings, and you intercede on behalf of our Souls, as Theologian and friend of Christ.
Ikos: To learn wholly the high secrets of Heaven, to investigate the depths of the sea is rash and beyond comprehension; as therefore it is wholly impossible to number all the stars and the sand on the sea shore, so it is to tell the Graces of the Theologian, with so many Crowns Christ has garlanded the one He loved; the one who leant on His breast and feasted with Him at the Mystical Supper, as Theologian and friend of Christ.
Doxastikon: Reclining upon the bosom of Christ the Teacher at the Supper, O beloved Disciple, from the Lord there you came to know things ineffable, and you thundered to all with a voice from Heaven: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, the True Light that illumines every man who comes into the world, Christ God, and the Saviour of our Souls.