Feast Day: January 2nd
The Life of Saint Juliana: Her life teaches us that even in the world, even within a family, amid cares for children, spouse and members of one’s household, one may please God no less than one who withdraws from the world to a Monastic Cell…
Apolytikion: Shining forth with Grace Divine, even after death thou hast revealed the radiance of thy life; for thou pourest forth fragrant Myrrh for healing, upon all the sick who approach the Shrine of thy Relics with faith. O Venerable Mother Juliana, entreat Christ God, that our Souls be saved.
Kontakion: All of us amid misfortune and pain hymn the Holy Juliana as a helper quick to hear; for she lived a God-pleasing life in the world and gave countless alms to the poor. Wherefore, she hath found the Grace of Miracles at the command of God.
Prayer: O Blessed and Righteous Juliana, who wast wondrously called the Merciful Widow by the All-Holy Theotokos! Unto thee, a mother full of pity, do we earnestly have recourse, Praying that we also may be granted Mercy. For, having endured many crosses in thy life, and been thyself tried by all things, in thy Supplications thou art able to help us in our bitter trials; for, beset by many sins and weighed down by great sorrows, we are assailed by cruel enemies. Wherefore, O Mother who bore thy crosses, ask for us the spirit of meekness and patience, sincere repentance of our sins, the power to oppose the invisible foe and to defeat them, and firm trust in the Will of God amid all misfortunes and perils, that we may take up our cross without murmuring, unto the Salvation of our Souls, and may proceed with faith for Christ our Saviour. Moreover, beseech the All-Merciful Lord, O Merciful favourite of God, that He cause to dwell in us, as it did in thee, the grace of a heart which hath mercy upon all, which blesseth even one’s enemies, which accuseth itself only of sins, as thou didst: for love hath grown exceeding scarce because of our iniquities; and in name only can we show ourselves to be disciples of Christ, while in heart and deed we are as pagans, caring only for ourselves with love of self. O Blessed one, intercede also for the Russian land, and for all who are in dispersion, that they may receive peace and prosperity, and all the more a return to thine ancient piety, a quenching of malice and envy, and increase in brotherly love and reconciliation, repentance for our passions, and cleansing and Sanctification through Grace. That with one mouth and one heart we may all again confess the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer: O Merciful Juliana, helper of orphans, mother who bore thy cross! With thy generous right hand make bestowal upon us who now Pray to thee, and ask the All-Merciful God, Whose very name is Love, that He grant us rich Mercies. Be thou a good helper unto mothers who have given birth unto children; a Holy preserver of purity and love within marriage; a wise nurturer of little children and youths; a compassionate comforter of the orphaned and sorrowful; a sympathetic healer of those who are tempest-tossed by sins; a mighty defender of those subjected to trials by their enemies; and a merciful mediator before God and the All-Pure Theotokos for all who ask thine aid. And Pray thou all the more, O Holy favourite of God, that we be given the Grace of the All-Holy Spirit, that preserved thereby and saved unceasingly in this life, with thee we may Glorify the All-Merciful Redeemer, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to Whom is due Glory, with His All-Good Father and His Holy and All-Compassionate Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.
